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Thursday, September 2, 2010

YES WE CAN (file bankruptcy and lose everything due to medical bills)!

I am a classic example of a "working class" American (a small business owner and independent contractor) who makes "too much money" to receive government assistance like Medicaid, but too little money to afford cash health care or purchase individual health insurance (those 'Humana for One' plans area OK but I've had one before and with all of the red tape, I ended up paying almost as much out of pocket as I would've if I just saved up the $200/month and paid cash, so I'm a little skeptical of the true value of these plans...).

Three months ago I had 3 jobs, $14,000 in the bank and $0 in debt with 11 classes left until completing my Bachelor's Degree. I've never even taken student loans; I've paid cash for my entire college education. Now because of an injury, I am making 30% of my income; it's difficult to get around town and do things for myself (not to mention the emotional toll that accompanies a total loss of social life and mobility). The bank account is slowly shrinking and if I need a surgery, it will break me financially. I also took my first student loan this semester in anticipation of what's to come. There is absolutely NO solution for Americans like me.

The funny thing is: I'm actually one of the LUCKY uninsured people, because I have a modest savings to draw off of, no debt, and a live-in boyfriend who can help with my expenses right now. But I can't get unemployment or worker's comp because my injury occurred at home. I can't get welfare because I don't "meet the qualifications" (one of the eligibility factors is having a child in the home for whom support is not received, AKA a child with a deadbeat dad, or a child whose paternity is unknown). I don't even qualify for food stamps because I am a college student. However, if I dropped out of college, stopped working and got pregnant, all of my medical expenses would be paid for by the government. I am not saying this to be dramatic; these are the actual words that came from the mouth of one of the representatives for the Department of Children and Family Services here in Saint Petersburg.

Does anyone else see a problem with this system? Am I being overly sensitive by feeling cheated, wronged, and punished for working hard and paying my own way? The whole healthcare situation in America makes me ill. Literally, sick to stomach and angry to the point of tearful rage. I feel cheated by my government, my country and its leaders. And I've even considered moving back to Canada (I was born and lived there until I was 3) just for the health care.

But when it's all said and done, I'm a fighter and I have resources. I'll be fine in the end, whereas so many Americans get too sick to push through or go too far in debt to recover. They have to "choose which finger to reattach" (metaphorically and literally, as did the man in Michael Moore's film "Sicko").

But to end on a high note, here is a little health care Utopia to think of:

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